Leviton 41MB2-3F4 300 Pair Mounting Frame Kit

Product Description

Leviton 41MB2-3F4 Basic Mounting Frame Kit with three 100-pair bases, mounting frame, cable tray, 75 C-4 connector blocks, three horizontal cord managers, label strip holders and white label strips. For wall mount 110 cross-connections requiring high densities and additional cable access within a compact space. Mount to walls or backboards in building entrance facilities, telecommunications closets and equipment rooms.

  • 300 pair capacity
  • Mount securely to wood-based backboard
  • Route cable bundles through the back of the mounting frame; secure with cable ties, without over-stressing the cables 
  • Route individually marked cables through the side slots provided; entering from both the left and right sides 

Availability: Discontinued - No Longer Available